Julie's Journey

Monday, June 20, 2011

Hanging in

Been awhile since I posted. Sorry.

Kayleigh and I went to Michigan for a couple of weeks. The trip was OK, though I gained a LOT of weight. How the HELL can anyone gain 21 pounds in 17 days??? I know a bunch of it was water weight, and my usual, quickly lost, MI weight gain. I actually lost 11 pounds the first 3 days back. But that still leaves an 10 extra pounds!!!

I am stressing because I have my pre op appointment for my knee replacement in 3 days. I am concerned that with my recent weight gain (it will be around 20 pounds since I saw the surgeon) that he will refuse to do my surgery at this time. I know that with knee replacements they are very picky about weight/weight gain.

Still waiting to hear from the insurance company.... again. The nurse in charge of bariatrics there had told me she would call me "next Tuesday".. when I hadn't heard from her by Friday I started calling and sending emails. I heard from her the next Wednesday. She told me the surgeon (the exact same one who said I should have surgery sooner, and that he would request it) told her that in his opinion I did not need to be expedited, which means I will have to wait my turn. She told me she would get ahold of the gastro doctor and see if her opinion on this differed. She would "call me back" This was almost 2 weeks ago. I did send a email to the gastro doctor letting her know Natalie (the nurse) would be in touch with her. Never heard back from her either.

So, as things stand right now, I am having my knee replaced July 7 (assuming the surgeon does not refuse to do it) and I will probably be up for a bypass sometime early next year!!!

Tired of pain and misery.

I'll post after my appointment on Thursday.
