Julie's Journey

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Just checking in

Not too much going on right now. I did get a recumbent exercise bike (pictures attached) Kayleigh so badly want's to use it... but her little legs are way too short... even with the seat all the way up! I got it yesterday. Yesterday I did 5minutes (all I can do at one time) 5 times. Today I started doing a mile at a time (first mile 7 1/2 minutes, then less and less on each mile.) I did 5 miles today!!! It about kicks my butt to do a mile... I will have to build up to more.

My weight on Thursday was still the same. I am hoping the recent fill and the bike will make a difference.

I forgot to mention my biggest accomplishment in MI last time. My friend Joann and I went out to the bar (where I had 1 orange juice) when the bar closed Joann told me "I am going to go across to Dunkin Donuts for something" (it's right across the parking lot) I went in with her and ordered a Boston Cream (my absolute favorite!!!) We got back in the car and I took it out of the bag. I sat and looked at it for the 10 minute trip home, then though "I really don't want this" I ended up putting it back in the bag and giving it to Joann. Very good of me, if I must say so myself!!!

I hope everyone is doing well, and achieveing their goals. Till next time.....

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Just got back from surgeon

I actually saw Dr Metz today, which has not been the norm for me. Usually his PA or nurse practitoner does my fills. He was actaully in today, though. Guess no one wants to be banded 2 days before Thanksgiving.

He said my "swelling" is possibly a very large hernia. He told me he, personally, would not repair it at this time unless it became incarcerated. He said once I get down to a BMI of 40 (which would be another 40 or so pounds) he would do it. I am in no hurry to have anything repaired, as you can imagine. The thought of another hernia repair does not appeal to me. He said the other thing is it could just be my body's architecture. I am pretty sure I would have noticed something the size and shape of a soccer ball sticking out of my midriff before though.

He put in 4 cc's and took back 2. I am now at 7cc's. He also told me I need to exercise more. He suggested an recumbent bike, sine my knees are so bad (can't do a regular bike...I would never walk again after it) He suggested I look on ebay or craigslist for one.

He was not all that thrilled with my weight loss since my last fill, neither am I, that's why I went for a fill.

That's about all for now. I will post my loss (please, oh please...let it be a loss ;) on Thursday. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Some good news

1) I lost my MI weight...and am down a pound over that. Yayyy for me ;) Kayleigh and I started walking last week. We walk to the mail box on the days I don't go to the gym. It is not a super long walk... about a quarter mile round trip... but at least I am moving. I think it has been helping. I have also been trying to drink a bit more water ( I was drinking 4 16oz bottles of Crystal Light a day, I have been trying to do at least 5 a day)

I seem to be getting hungry soon after eating, so I have an appointment for a fill on Tuesday. When I called to make it the office girl reminded me it was Thanksgiving week, and I would be on liquids Thanksgiving. No biggie. We were just going to get a small ham for Ron and Judy and a turkey breast for me. They will still have the ham on Thursday, and we will cook the turkey on Saturday. Holidays are just not the same being here in CO and having my family in MI.

I want the doctor to look at something while I am there. I seem to have a large "mass" of some sort. When I lay on my back and tighten my abdominal muscles it looks like I am 9 months pregnant (and I didn't even look 9 months pregnant when I was ) I am wondering if it could be another seroma. It seems to have appeared after my wound stopped draining from the abcess surgery. if it's not one thing it's another, huh?? It has not really been painful, though now that I have a cold it hurts to cough while I am laying down...and sneezing about kills me.

2) I got a J-O-B. Not the one I posted about last week. They never called me back. I went to an interview yesterday, took a test and was offered the job. It is with a company called Convergys. They operate a call center and take calls from different companies. I think they are kind of a subcontractor for other companies, in a sense. It is a temporary, seasonal job. I will be taking calls for open enrollement with United Health Care. The only problem will be Kayleighs preschool. I am going to drop her down from 3 to 2 days a week. Ron and I are going to have to figure a way to get her there/back those days. We really don't want Judy driving her, since Ron doesn't trust her driving. We figure with only 2 days a week if she misses as day it won't be costing us quite as much for missed school.

3) I forgot to post my NSV (non scale victory) while on my trip to MI. I was actually able to get my tray table down!!!! The last few years when I flew I was not able to put it down all the way, the front edge of it always rested on my stomach. It made me realize I have lost weight. I know I have, of course, the scale tells me so...as well as pictures. It just bums me out a bit I am still wearing the same size pants (looser, but still the same size) One difference is that I have always worn long, loose fitting T-shirts. I have been pulling out some shorter, cute shirts and wearing those with my jeans. So, I guess that is some progress. I got a whole bunch of sweaters and sweat shirts from my friend Jacki in MI (Thanks Jack) and I am looking forward to wearing them at work. (a few of them are Christmas theamed). I have also been able to put my vehicle seat up a bit, now my feet reach the peddals a lot better ;)

Anyway, thanks for reading. I will try to post pics next week, as well as update after I see the surgeon on Tuesday.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

A small setback

I did my official weigh in. I am up 4 pounds (it was 6 yesterday!!!!) I need to get back on track. I am still a bit suprised by the gain. I know I didn't make the best food choices in MI, but I didn't go crazy eating. I was on liquids the last 6 days, for Petes sake!!! Oh well, it is over and done with. Though suprised, I accept the weight is there, and I just need to get back on track to get it (and the rest) off.

I really need to start walking. I have avoided it so far, since I have such problems with my left knee. It hurts pretty much all the time. It trys to go out of socket a lot (it's sad when you can honestly say your knees go out more than you do!) I am just afraid of tripping over something, my knee going out, and not being able to get up on my own. Especially if Kayleigh is with me. I have a smallish window of good weather here. I will try to get out and walk today. I also would like to get some Richard Simmons videos to work out to. I have one somewhere on VHS, but I really need them on DVD so I can hook Kayleigh's little player to the TV downstairs. I was doing OK with my loss going to the rec center and swimming/doing old folks aerobics 2/3 X a week, but feel I should get something going the other days.

I have a J-O-B interview tomorrow. They are open 6:30 AM to 6:30 PM (I was a bit shocked....I didn't even know there were 2 sixes in each day!!!!) Anyway, this is going to be somewhat problematic for us (assuming I get the job, that is) Kayleigh goes to Pre/K M-W-F from 12:30-3. This is when I go to the gym. Not to mention the logistical problem of getting her there every day. Oh well, I better not count my chickens....

On a different subject... we went to K-Marts the other day. I was quite suprised to see they have a junior plus department. About time. My only question is where were they when I was a fat kid/teen/20 something? I got myself a cute sweater there.

I will post when I hear something about the job.

Later all, and thanks for joining me on my journey ...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Finally home

We got back from MI last night. We stayed a bit longer than planned, Kayleigh had a bad head cold and I didn't want to fly with her. It was a nice trip. I got to spend time with friends and family. My only complaint (and I expected this) was my grandma. She kept trying to push food/sweets onto me (I know it was done out of love) About the first 4 days we were therte it was the same thing. I was going to make an pineapple upside down cake (... peach pie, banana pie...etc) do you like that? Every day it was the same answer "Grandma, I am on a diet" It's not like she doesn't know about it...she even helped me out paying for it!!!!

Towards the end I was quite miiserable, I think flying tightened up my band, and the lower altitude made it worse and worse. I was throwing up every day (not good at all) I would go on liquids... then the next day get stuck again. It was really painful. It got to the point that one bite of anything would get stuck. I finally just went on strict liquids for my last 5 days.

It was kind of funny, one day we were at the table and I was having my pureed steak (yummy!) after about 3 bites I got stuck. I was in the bathroom coughing and PB'ing when I heard Kayleigh (who's 4) say "I told momma not to eat that." It was so cute. The next day she was like... "Momma, don't eat too much" (believe me, by that point I definetely wasn't) I ate a couple of bites of soup and actually did not get stuck. I got done with my small bowl and she said "When are you going to start coughing?" So cute.... my own little food police ;)))

I must admit... I did take in too many liquid calories. Two times I got a shake, I had a cappuchino twice, and a small scoop of Baskin Robins once. I also had orange juice a few times. This was all while I was on liquids, other than the O.J. I kind of got to the what the heck stage. Ya know?? I can't eat anthing...I might as well have a shake (not to mention that I was starving!!!)

I was not happy when I got home and stepped on the scale. I am hoping my gain (eeek) was just from flying, and will come off quickly (about 9 pounds) I am down a bit this morning. I know I did not do everything I needed to do in MI. I did not drink enough water. My knee kept trying to go out... so I did not walk as planned. I did not take in enough protein at all (eating or not). I did have a small piece of the pineapple upside down cake, as well as split a couple pieces of grandmas birthday cake (not the same day... 3 days in a row). And we won't even talk about the Halloween candy (funny how that didn't get stuck). Well, I am home and back on track now.

On a different note...

I got a few replies and emails about my last post. I was a bit down when I wrote it. I just want everyone to know I really am happy and proud of what I have accomplished so far...I am just impatient. I feel good setting goals for myself (like the 75 pounds loss by Chrsitmas I mentioned) I know I might not get there "on time" but I know I will get there. I knew going into this I would be in it for the long haul. I also knew it would be work, and I was not going to "wake up skinny" the next morning. I know it will most likely take me the better part of 2 years (or maybe even more) to get where I want to be. That is just the way it is. All I can do is do what I need to do, and not worry about what everyone else is doing (weight loss wise)... this is soething I tend to forget when I get my fits of impatience.

I forgot to mention.... unless someone knew about my surgery, no one noticed my loss I went to 2 moms group events while in MI, and no one said anything!! I was quite bummed... Ah well....by the time we go back again it will be more noticable. (I know it can be seen....I see it when I look at pictures, and before we left my neighboors Kim and Rick bith asked about my losing and said how good I was doing (they don't know about the band) that made me feel prety good).

Thanks for reading this, and more soon.....