Julie's Journey

Saturday, July 25, 2009

sweet spot... finally??

Well... I think I may be there (for my couple of non banded readers, this is the spot where you are at your most optimium fill....getting full on less and staying full longer)

Last month when I went for my fill the PA did it. She did not withdraw any fluid, as is usual, since her reasoning is that she has a pretty good idea of where I am fill wise, by previous fills. I should have had around 7cc. She put in .2.... hence 7.2 in a 10cc band. It was great, it was the very first time I only had to get poked once. Every other fill has been 1-2 pokes to put fluid in, then 2-3 more to immediately pull some out again (again, for non bandsters... you get fluid put in, sit up and drink a small cup of water. If you have any pain, pressure, burping or gurgling you have too much and have to have some taken out).

I went last week and saw the surgeon. Even though I requested he NOT pull all the fluid out (I feel that irritates my pouch and makes the need for a unfill) he still pulled out first. He then filled me. When I asked him how much he put in he told me I only had 6cc (though he also said there may have been some left in he did not get) so he put in .5cc. So, I should have around 6.5cc right now. I think he is correct in saying he did not get all out and I believe I am probably closer to 8cc.

I am pretty close to being over full. I am having a bit of an issue with anything too solid (though as long as I am really, really, really careful I am doing OK). I am getting full really quickly. I have always been able to slam my water. I have actually gotten stuck a time or two in the last week while trying to drink too quickly (I know...I shouldn't be doing that anyway ;) I am noticing a lot of gugling after drinking. I have been told by other bandsters they gurgle when they have a good fill. SO.... I guess this is a good fill. I am just being super careful with what I eat. I have been experimenting with new recipes. The other day I made chicken tortilla soup (minus the tortillas, of course) I also jazzed up some canned baked beans with some hamburger and a bit of BBQ sauce. If it is cool enough tomorrow I may make some of my custard (with skim milk and Splenda, of course... it is really quite good) I am still fighting a bit to get in my days worth of protein. Good thing I like protein shakes.

I was laying in bed tonight and gurgling really badly, as well as feeling quite hungry. Suddenly it dawned on me... it had been 10 hours since I ate!!!! No wonder. What a strange and wonderful thing to happen ;)) So.... here I am at midnight, eating a protein bar and blogging. Glad you're all here to read this

I guess that is all for now... just wanted to share my good news.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

another fill....

I went to the surgeon for another fill last week. I told him about eating too many calories (in my opinion) he basically told me that eating 600 calories a day is fine. He went so far as to say "People in concentration camps ate very little and they lost weight" which I personally felt was a bit inappropriate. He told me your body going into "startvation mode" if you eat too few calories over a period of time is just a wives tale.

I don't believe him.

How many of us have lost weight eating very little... them put it back on as soon as we ate even a tiny bit more???

Anyway.... his PA wanted him to look at my hernia to change his mind about doing the surgery. He looked at how much bigger it has gotten and didn't seem to be terribly impressed. I did not push the issue, since it is not a good time for me to even consider surgery right now, with the MIL still going through chemo and unable to watch Kayleigh at all. Perhaps in the future.....

I am getting sooooo frustrated....I am loosing and gaining the same 6-7 pounds week in and out. I started exercising more last week (when Kayleigh started school) I am trying to make it to Curves everyday (though not always making it) I am going to start water aerobics again the week after next (this next week is filled every day with Judy and her chemo) Hopefully all this will kick start some losing.

more later...