Would I do it all again?
In a word, yes. Thank you for asking that oozyxena. I am officially at 4 months today. I would never have been able to lose over 50 pounds (and keep it off) in less than 4 months pre-band.
Do I wish I hadn't had all the other issues? Yes, of course. At the beginning did I have regrets and a case of "What did I do to myself's?" I sure did. But, whats done is done.
I know 5o+ pounds is good, but I am emmbarassed to admit...I am a bit disappointed. I have been comparing my loss to other peoples (wrong, I know, so very wrong) and feel like I am "falling behind" I knew going in it was work, and nothing would come easy... or in this case, the weight wouldn't go easy. I know I should be happy for what I have lost so far (and I am... happy and thankfull). Please don't think I'm not. I have always been a immediate gratification sort of girl, and am just impatient. I am setting a goal for myself right now of 75 pounds by years end. I believe that is not expecting too much, and a perfectly reasonable goal. If I don't make it (and there is no reason I shouldn't) I will just pick myself up, dust myself off, and keep going until I hit that goal. How adult of me, huh??
Kayleigh and I are heading to the airport soon to fly to MI. I am looking forward to seeing my friends and family. I am a little concerned about my weight..though I think it might actually be nice for me not to obsess over my scale for 10 days ;))
So...until I return, take it easy everyone.