I've been sick, and sad
First off... I started getting a sore throat Tuesday night. By Wednesday morning I could not talk, my throat hurt so much and my glands were so swollen. It kept getting worse and worse. I went to the doctors on Thursday and it turned out I had strep. I have been on an antibiotic since then (and boy, is liquid Cipro nasty!!!) anyway, since I wasn't able to eat (or even drink water) I lost 5.4 pounds. A tough way to lose, but a loss is a loss.
I joined Curves on Tuesday and,of course, have not been able to go again since because of feeling so bad. I intend to go M-F after work (they are closed on Sun and Sat is iffy since Ron tends to work on weekends and the MIL sleeps in
I added a couple of new pictures... I truly don't see much change in the last few months. The top picture is me in my new size 26 jeans, and a shorter top (that is the biggest difference... I have always worn really long shirts... usually T-shirts I bought at a big mens store in X Long) Even though I don't really see a difference, I feel it. I also got a haircut.. it's fairly short. I have not had my hair cut in at least 10 years, so it was quite a change. I feel like I am slowly re-inventing myself. I'm betting my lapband readers know what I am talking about?
Now to the sad part.... I got a call from a friend that a mutual friend of ours had passed away. I hadn't spoken to her for at least 10 years, but I spoke of her fairly often... she was a real character. While I was sick I spent a lot of time on the phone talking about Kelly, her funeral, and re-living funny Kelly stories with friends. I am sad and upset I will not be able to go to her funeral (she lived in Iowa, but her body was shipped back to Michigan) since I am here in Colorado. It's times like these I realize how much I have always relied on friends and family.
I'll miss ya Killer Jo...rest in peace.