Julie's Journey

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I've been sick, and sad

First off... I started getting a sore throat Tuesday night. By Wednesday morning I could not talk, my throat hurt so much and my glands were so swollen. It kept getting worse and worse. I went to the doctors on Thursday and it turned out I had strep. I have been on an antibiotic since then (and boy, is liquid Cipro nasty!!!) anyway, since I wasn't able to eat (or even drink water) I lost 5.4 pounds. A tough way to lose, but a loss is a loss.

I joined Curves on Tuesday and,of course, have not been able to go again since because of feeling so bad. I intend to go M-F after work (they are closed on Sun and Sat is iffy since Ron tends to work on weekends and the MIL sleeps in ) but... I intend to go every day I can.

I added a couple of new pictures... I truly don't see much change in the last few months. The top picture is me in my new size 26 jeans, and a shorter top (that is the biggest difference... I have always worn really long shirts... usually T-shirts I bought at a big mens store in X Long) Even though I don't really see a difference, I feel it. I also got a haircut.. it's fairly short. I have not had my hair cut in at least 10 years, so it was quite a change. I feel like I am slowly re-inventing myself. I'm betting my lapband readers know what I am talking about?

Now to the sad part.... I got a call from a friend that a mutual friend of ours had passed away. I hadn't spoken to her for at least 10 years, but I spoke of her fairly often... she was a real character. While I was sick I spent a lot of time on the phone talking about Kelly, her funeral, and re-living funny Kelly stories with friends. I am sad and upset I will not be able to go to her funeral (she lived in Iowa, but her body was shipped back to Michigan) since I am here in Colorado. It's times like these I realize how much I have always relied on friends and family. Life is what it is though. I'm still looking forward to going to MI in early April.

I'll miss ya Killer Jo...rest in peace.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I've been shopping

Well, my scale has not been too kind to me the last few monts (as you all know) I have been soooo frustrated about still wearing the same jeans. Even though they still "fit" (I guess after 65 pounds lost I expected them to actually fall off) they are looking quite sloppy.

I have been doing a bit of shopping the past week. The jeans I have been wearing are a 32. I went out last week and bought a pair of peddal pusher style jeans ( You know.. the ones that are capri length??) in a 9 at Catherines... their sizes really truly irritate me. Call a size what it is. They claim it is a whole different way of sizing... that it goes by "body type" It just bugs me. I asked the girls at the store what a 9 was comparable to in "real" sizes. At first they couldn't tell me. Then they were able to tell me an approximation of a 9 in womens sizes is 28-30 OK...was that so freaking hard???? Why did I practically have to pull teeth to get that answer??? Jeez.....

Anyway, I stopped at KMart on Friday and hit the clearance rack, Got 4 tops and 2 pairs of pants (one pair of pull on jeans and one pair of black knit maternity pants... I am still wearing maternity pants I had from being pregnant w/Kayleigh.... they are more comfortable with my growing hernia). Then I stopped at Lane Bryant and hit the clearance racks there yesterday. I got a really cute top and 2 pairs of pants. One pair is tan cords in a 28 and the other is a really cute pair of sparkly black jeans in a 26!!! They both fit... more or less. They zip, but are quite tight in the belly, so I will be back to wearing long shirts with them (I really don't like walking around looking like I have a butt in the front, so I have to keep that covered ;O

Hopefully in a fairly short time they will start looking sloppy on me too.....